How can we help? Couples and family counseling is a blend of different techniques and styles to help identify areas of improvement in your relationship and desired needs with each other. We work with relationships Let’s help you get the love you want and need.
How do you know if something is wrong in your relationship? Well you could perform a Google search and you might find, “10 sign of a Bad Relationship“, “14 Ways to Resolve Conflicts in Your Relationship“, and “How to Solve Relationship Problems.” As Americans, we often are subjected to ideas that relationship problems are an, “easy fix.” People magazine, Cosmo, Out, Glamor, Advocate, Men’s Health, Esquire, Xtra, Movies, Television, and cultural messages are all examples that portray messages to couples and affect the level of intimacy and expectation of involvement in said relationship. There are plenty of resources to give couples information on gauging a relationship status. Yet, you have to hone in on your own relationship, sexuality, openness, culture, and identity otherwise, we can lose ourselves in relationships. Couples struggle with understanding each others level of commitment and involvement for many reasons.

If there are constant issues or lack of connection in your relationship, consider making steps toward change. Often we were never taught how to express our feelings and translate those into tangible needs. So what do you do if you want more balance and connectedness with your partner?? Maybe you both feel you have used all of your own tools and are still at a cross roads…. That’s ok. Maybe you need a tune up and want to focus on your relationship because the kids are out of the house. Maybe family or origin issues or relational differences have you constantly nit picking each other. Maybe you need to regain trust in the relationship after an infidelity.
So what are the next steps? Start with discussing these ideas with your partner, if they are open to trying counseling, then take steps to become more connected and FOCUS together and call us at (720) 295-9522 for your free consultation to see if we are a good fit.