Lori Johnson, M.A., LPC-S, LAC, Executive Clinical Director

Business Coaching and Consultation Denver
Lori Johnson is an experienced and licensed professional and licensed addiction counselor in Lakewood who supervises the team to hone in on their clinical skills. She is the Founder and Clinical Director of In Focus Counseling and a professional member of the International OCD Foundation. She works with both adolescents and adults who are challenged with variations of depression, anxiety, OCD, addiction, recovery from eating disorders, recovery focused living, mindfulness, and work/life and school/life balance. At In Focus Counseling LLC, Lori is passionate about helping individuals and their families.

Addiction and OCD Therapy in Lakewood

Lori Johnson is no longer accepting new clients and only does evaluations and assessments. If you are looking for therapy, please view one of our team clinicians. Our team is focused on Addiction and OCD Therapy in Lakewood. It’s time for you to Focus on yourself or your relationships

Therapy is:

  • Non judgmental
  • Calm
  • Culturally Inclusive
  • Interactive
  • Expressive
  • Empathic
  • Relaxed
  • Patient
  • Welcoming
  • A place of trust
  • Informative
  • Encouraging

Before becoming a counselor in Lakewood, Lori received her Bachelor and Masters Degree in psychology at the University of Colorado. After getting her undergraduate degree is Psychology, she facilitated clinical research with couples relationships and interactional style. She also volunteered her time working with teens and families who were challenged with addiction, trauma, and legal ramifications. She enjoyed working with at risk youth helping teens and young adults explore ways to cope with peer groups, addiction, bullying, healthy eating, trauma, racism/discrimination, poverty, self development, and the management of persistent mental illness. As a practitioner experienced in working with adults, both male and female in Intensive Outpatient, Court Mandated treatment, Residential, Inpatient, and Psychiatric Hospitals, she understands the need for a persons interdependence in working through persistent mental illness including: schizophrenia, Addiction, PTSD and trauma, OCD, Behavioral issues, Eating disorders, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

Lori has been a speaker and advocate on the topics of Substance Use Disorder and OCD at the International OCD Foundation annual Conference and local Denver treatment providers and treatment centers to Denver, CO. Lori has been featured on The OCD Stories , Chrissie Hodges Pure OCD Author’s podcast, and is part of the Special Interests Group for SUDs and OCD . Lori is the Co-Founder of Modern Therapist Training Collective; which trains clinicians and treatment facilities on evidenced based treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder using Exposure and Response Prevention and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy methods combined with peer consultation and supervision. Lori is a preferred educational speaker for The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/contributors/lori-johnson/. Lori is an active board member of the OCD Gamechangers, a grass roots non profit supporting the advocacy community in OCD. Lori is currently not accepting new clients in efforts to support her clinical team in the development of treatments to provide to the community and work on advocacy for the treatment of addiction and OCD.

All experiences people face shape who one is as a person including: values, beliefs, traditions, culture, rituals, opinions, the words they use, and the way they believe the world works. Despite occurrence of situations in childhood or adulthood, Lori believes we come from a society that tells us we should “be” a certain way or deal with situations a certain way. This causes conflict in life and the feeling that you aren’t doing what you are “supposed to.”

“I am not  crazy, I don’t need counseling”, is just an example of the messages and stereotypes implied about counseling in our society. You don’t have to have to be labeled because you go to counseling or labeled for anything. In fact, most people benefit from counseling and find they have clear focus on their path in life and skills on how to handle future challenges. Lori works collaboratively with clients to find the connected elements of presenting concerns and how to best approach growing into an evolving, creative self.

We are here to support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our team is OFFERING all sessions via TELE-THERAPY SESSIONS.
to schedule a time for you to focus on what’s important.

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Spectrum, we shed light on the intricate web of overlapping symptoms that shape the lives of those affected by OCD and other related...

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The OCD Stories – Lori Johnson


550 S Wadsworth Blvd., Unit 301, Lakewood, CO 80226

Montana -Virtually
Kansas -Virtually

The office is located in the Belmar area at the S.E. intersection of West Virginia Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd in Lakewood on the East side of Wadsworth in the First bank building, next to Chik-fil-A.