FOCUS! is an informational program developed to educate the community about issues people are challenged with in their lives. Scheduling, Self-Care, Signs of burnout, mental health, conflict resolution, anxiety, depression, addiction, depression, OCD, self-care, and tips are just a few of the topics covered in FOCUS!. FOCUS! is geared towards provided FREE information in Webinar and lecture format. Attendees are provided with information presented and provided with usable planning templates to help them FOCUS on goal setting and making changes in life to better themselves, their relationships, and the world around them. FOCUS! is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended to be a therapeutic environment and is not supplemental to therapy.

Browse through the upcoming and past FOCUS! webinar presentations and organization templates. Some templates available require classroom attendance and some you are able to download simply by liking In Focus Counseling on FACEBOOK. So head on over to Facebook and see what downloads are available.

Need educational presentations or team building for your organization?  Call (720) 295-9522